P&O ferries wanted to attract a new, younger, adventurous audience and compete
with the low cost, bums-on-seats airlines.
The problem is, when most people think ferry, they imagine an uncomfortable
journey aboard an oily, old ship.
So to change people's perceptions we set out on an adventure.
Unlike an airline, you can take you car on a ferry.
So you have choice.
You can go where you want, whenever you want.
You can go á la carte.
Fly by the seat-of-your-pants.
Feel impetuous.
Be free.
The story in the letter ran free. As it meandered off into all sorts of adventures so did the type.
A mailing that was adventure ready. It was printed on tear-proof, water-proof, kid-proof paper. It could be used to sit on, have a picnic off, to line a backpack to keep things dry. It was sketch-pad, a notebook. It was whatever your imagination wanted it to be.
Our direct mail even got fan mail.