Professional Summary

Award winning Senior Writer/ Creative Director (M&C Saatchi and McCann) with experience of creating huge, successful integrated ideas across a whole range of channels – social, press, posters, film, brochure, email and video. I have extensive experience of developing brand Tone of Voice, as well as mentoring and managing junior writers.

2024 - Freelance Creative Director/ Senior Copywriter

2017 – 24 Associate Creative Director MRM McCann

2016 - 17 Contract Creative Director Sapient/ Soul/ Rapier

2011 –16   Head of Copy/ Creative Director M&C Saatchi

Personal Summary

When I was a kid I could remember every ad on telly. I liked them as much as the movies they interrupted. Better, if the movie was a musical. Where’s that going to get you mum said? Little did she know I was doing career research. Although to be fair I didn’t know that either.

I didn’t know people actually wrote those things. Or got paid for doing it. Someone told me in a bar in San Francisco. The bar was called the Red Room. And the Red Room made the best martinis in town. I had toothache and I couldn’t afford a dentist. The martinis helped.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spilled out a bar saying I’m going to do this, or that. I’m going to conquer the world. But for some reason this time it stuck. I read everything about advertising I could get my hands on. I worshiped Bill Bernbach and David Ogilvy. I poured over D&AD annuals and dreamed that one day I would be in one.

I have been.

I’ve written recruitment ads, TV ads, digital ads, radio ads. I’ve written ads that have gone on the side of taxis, building sites and bins (it’s where they all end up anyhow). And I’ve never stopped loving them. Or at least the idea. Something clever and elegant and beautiful. Something that doesn’t underestimate. Something dead simple.